29 November 2013

An Encounter With Park Cats

 A sunny Firday, I went to the local sculpture park where I met these park cats (I give them this title because, different from those street cats and dogs, they live in the parks!!!)

First several cats, little ones, just run away when I was in their sight!!! 
Till I met this one--the one with yellow coat, things got changed!!!
No matter how close-up I got to her, she just did not give a damn notice!!! Chewing grass or sitting posed, or even stroked by my hand, she was always indulging in her own stuff!!! 
And from her, I know that the life in parks is not as bad as we think because she is, at least, not slim at all!!! Actually, she is a little bit fat!!!
Look at her determind eyes!!!

 After saying goodbye to this mind-her-own-business cat, I came across these two ones. They were sun-bathing in the bush. Interesting enough, when I tended to get close to them, they voluntarily came to me!!! Stretching limbs, backing against my legs, as if they wanted something to eat or saying :"just take me home!!!" Anyone who want to can take them home, I think!!!

These park cats are all very clean!!!

Well, as it's a sculpture park, these are two pieces of them--sitting oxes!!!

There are other ones, like a bird standing on four apples, a crane berried her head into the mud, and a dustbin pulling rubbish out!!!
I have no DNA in art to get the ideas these items trying to convey!!!

Then, I arrived at Shangahi Library, just adjacent to Hengshan Rd--a road famous for its bars!!! There is an exhibition about the development of the city Shanghai.

This is the first English newspaper in Shanghai!!!

This is the first telephone in Shangahi, just a year after its wildly useage among western land!!!

This is an oilpainting of the Bund at Qing Dynasty!!!

This is the first PPT machine used in Sahnghai!!!

 This is the copy of part of the national heads' signatures!!! I don't want china' top murderer appear in my shot!!! 
I can't recognize the signature of the then president of the US!!!

This is the first world map presented by a western preacher--XXX to an emperor at Qing Dynasty!!!

Astonished, these are the shoes of Yao Ming--the NBA basketball player. They are really huge!!! About two hand-span, I guess!!!

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