27 October 2018

A Serendipitious Encounter With Bird

A Serendipitious Encounter With A Bird

On the threshold of my Birthday, I get the blessing from the God!!!

It was last night, just before my bed time, a little bird dropped on me from above!!! 

Based on my layman or amateurish knowledge on those feather floks, I can tell it is a she bird for its non-flamboyant plumage as the rule in animal kingdom goes it's always the male ones boast manly or dazzling or decorative outlook to attract females for the chance of mating!!! 
I also detect humming bird as the species she belongs by her sharp spire-like beak!!! And considering the osmanthus is in full blossom this time locally, it's highly likely that I am right in this guess work!!! But I am not 100% sure about it!!! 

Allow me to be a bit superstitious,  or religious may be the more suitable word here, that it was the Birthday of a major/main Buddha yesterday, thus I take this encounter as the gift from above prophesing a good fortune!!! 

And humming bird has very good and promising and rosy implications among other religious cultures!!!

Anyway, Fingers Crossed in this moment to myself!!!

Although this little thing left her drops and several pieces of feather to me before dashing out of the window after a night's curfew in my room!!! 

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